Tips to save money

Can giving really increase your wealth?

What if you could have more money for yourself and for your children BY GIVING to charity? We asked ourselves this question in light of our clients regularly donating to charity. Boy were we surprised when we found out that we could!! Over the years, we met with over 100+ estate attorneys and accountants to…

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Imagine a Happy Meal…

Imagine you and your loved one ate at McDonald’s everyday… Three (3) times per day paying $5 per meal. How much would that cost you over 20 years? Let’s do the math: 2 people x 3 meals @ $5 each = $30 $30 x 365 days = $10,950 $10,950 x 20 years = $219,000!!! Have…

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Wasting Time…

Such a common phrase heard and spoken more than one can count. And for many, no words could be truer!!! After tackling one obstacle after another to achieve the American Dream, you would think that wasting Time is not an option. Then why do so many of us do just that? While raising the family,…

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How Tax Planning can help increase savings

If you could keep more of your earnings by paying less taxes, would you? You are not alone. If asked, most taxpayers feel over-taxed. But did you know by working with a Financial Planner you could lower your taxes and save more $. The objective of Tax planning is to identify how income is taxed,…

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Preparing your Finances

Create Your Personal Financial Inventory Your personal financial inventory is important, because it gives you a snapshot of the health of your bottom line. This annual self-check should include: A list of assets, including : your emergency fund retirement accounts other investment and savings accounts real estate equity education savings etc. (any valuable jewelry, such as…

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Social Security Solvency Update

Social Security’s Board of Trustees have released their annual budgetary status of the nation’s largest entitlement program. The challenges confronting the program are no mystery, with different variables undermining the long-term solvency of the trust fund. The key takeaway from this year’s report relating to the Old-Age and Survivors Protections (OASI) – which pays month to month retirement benefits to Americans – reads:  “The OASI Trust Fund reserves are projected to become depleted in 2034, at which time OASI income would be sufficient to pay 76 percent of OASI scheduled benefits.” In other words, if…

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Medicare and coronavirus

What Medicare covers Medicare beneficiaries may be wondering if Medicare will cover coronavirus. Here’s what we currently know about what it will cover: Medicare covers the lab tests for coronavirus. You pay no out-of-pocket costs when your doctor or other health care provider orders it.  Medicare will pay lab technicians to travel to a beneficiary’s…

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