Tips to save money

The Cares Act Summarized: Information that you need NOW!

On March 27, 2020, President Trump signed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act to provide nearly $2 trillion of support to families and businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic. This was a massive bill with provisions that will affect nearly every part of the nation’s economy. As with any new tax law, it…

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Coronavirus: The next chapter

Over the last month, we have experienced extreme market volatility due to the Coronavirus contagion. To date, there have been over 10,000 deaths globally. To that end, we have also seen Central Banks employ multiple strategies hoping to calm market volatility. We now feel that we are “near the bottom” regarding the “EXTREME” market swings.…

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MD Sales and Use Tax Proposal

MD House Bill 1628 On February 20, 2020, the Maryland House of Delegates introduced proposed legislation (Maryland House Bill 1628 [the Bill]) that would greatly expand the types of services subject to state sales and use tax (the Tax). Under current law, amounts charged for services, including professional services, are generally exempt from the Tax,…

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iPlan Q&A

Should I choose a shorter or longer mortgage term? If you can swing the payments comfortably, the shorter terms are definitely worthwhile. If you’re a disciplined saver, you may be able to do just as well with a thirty-year loan if you invest the monthly savings in stocks or mutual funds.

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Benefits of Financial Planning

Benefits of Financial Planning Planning is an essential step in everything that you do in life, be it a long project or a small task. It is a vital part of your life especially when you want to allocate resources equitably in your company. Financial planning is often categorized in stages and branches, depending on…

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Bryan’s Planning Thought of the Day

“If something were to happen to you today, what is the first thing you would want your loved ones to do? A simple task, but unfortunately most don’t have a to-do list for loved ones. Doing this one simple task, can help everyone sleep better at night.” Protecting Lifestyles Assets and Needs #planningfortomorrow#iplan#thoughtoftheday#living

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Should You Use Retirement Savings to Pay Off Debt?

Most Advisors would adamantly say no!! But there are situations in which a liquidation makes sense. First, let me say that I don’t advocate it, but I do understand that things can get tight. That said … if survival is on the table, then you must consider ALL of your options… including retirement savings. I…

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What is Financial Planning?

In short… it is Protecting a lifestyle, an asset or a need. Though investments are a source of funding for a plan, it is the strategy implemented that details how to reach a goal or goals. With a plan, you are looking forward in life and designing the most efficient path to success. In other…

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